Government Asked To Close Illegal Train Crossings So Similar Accidents In Tulungagung Don't Happen Again

JAKARTA - An accident at a railroad crossing with a tourist bus without a bar in Tulungagung, East Java on Sunday, February 27, reminded us that traffic accidents at level crossings are still prone to occur.

Transportation observer from the Indonesian Transportation Society (MTI) Djoko Setijowarno asked the government to close illegal level crossings to prevent similar accidents from occurring.

"Ministers, governors, or regents/mayors, according to their authority, can close plot intersections without permission and disrupt the safety and smooth running of trains and road traffic," Djoko said in a written statement, Friday, March 4.

Djoko emphasized that a level crossing can only be done if, if the geographical location does not allow building a non-level intersection.

In addition, level crossings are required not to endanger and interfere with the smooth operation of trains and road traffic, and to be on a single track with low train frequency and speed.

"Even level crossings must meet the free view of drivers and road traffic users, be equipped with road traffic signs and signaling equipment, be limited to class III roads, and meet the technical specification standards for plot intersections," explained Djoko. is not fulfilled, continued Djoko, the government can build a non-level intersection. Non-level intersections can be above or below the railway line.

"The crossing must be made into a non-level intersection if it does not meet one of the level crossing requirements. This is also done if the frequency and speed of trains and road traffic are high," he added.