Another COVID-19 Case Appears, Face-to-Face Learning In A Number Of Schools In Semarang Again Stopped

SEMARANG - Semarang Mayor Hendrar Prihadi said that there were a number of schools whose face-to-face learning (PTM) had to be temporarily suspended following a student who was confirmed positive for COVID-19.

"There are reports of two to three schools having their PTM terminated because there are positive students," he said in Semarang, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 1.

With these conditions, he said, PTM in Semarang City in general is still running.

"So far it is still under control, there is no way to stop the whole thing," added Walkot Semarang, who is familiarly called Hendi.

As for the current case of COVID-19 in the city of Semarang, he said, it had decreased compared to the last week.

"It has started to decline compared to the peak some time ago which reached more than 1,000 cases. Hopefully the trend will decrease," he said.

Although cases have decreased, the death rate due to COVID-19 in Semarang City is still relatively high.

Based on data from the page as of 20.00 WIB, the number of patients who died from COVID has reached 115 people.

There was an increase in the number of patients who died to 32 people compared to the previous day.

The mayor said 60 percent of the patients who died had not received complete vaccinations, or had never even been vaccinated.

While the rest, said Hendi, are elderly residents and patients who have comorbidities, although some have received the third dose of vaccine.

To the elderly and those with comorbidities, he appealed to reduce mobility to minimize the risk of contracting COVID-19.

"Even if you have to leave the house, you must apply health protocols in a disciplined manner," said Hendi.