Police Arrest Nine Perpetrators Of Robbery Of Customer Data And Money In Bengkulu

BENGKULU - The Bengkulu Regional Police (Polda) arrested nine suspects in the case of breaking into data and customer money at a state-owned bank in Bengkulu Province. The suspects were RS, CH, FH, BP, HK, ERZ, RAL, DAP and AS.

The Head of Public Relations of the Bengkulu Police, Kombes Pol. Sudarno, said that the two suspects, namely RS and CH, acted as makers of fake account books and providers of bank customer data.

"The nine suspects are a network of bank burglars from Medan City, North Sumatra Province," said Sudarno in Bengkulu, Tuesday, March 1.

For this incident, one of the state-owned banks in Bengkulu Province suffered a loss of Rp. 2.91 billion. He said, previously the Harda Bangtah Sub-Directorate of the Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Bengkulu Police arrested seven suspects who were part of a national network from the city of Medan who acted on the island of Sumatra. and the island of Java.

After investigating the seven suspects, it was discovered that the network consisted of 11 people who were divided into two teams, namely Alpha and Delta teams.

The Delta team carried out their actions in the Sumatra Island area, while the Alpha team carried out their actions in the Java Island area.

Sudarno continued, the perpetrators carried out their actions in Batam City, Palembang City, Padang City, Lampung Province, Bangka Belitung Province, Bengkulu Province and Semarang City.

"Three suspects, namely KFN, ANP, and WA, consisting of two women and one man, have now been arrested in Semarang, while the suspect CH was arrested in Binjai," he said.