Thunderstorms Forecast For Jakarta And The Thousand Islands

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has asked the public to be aware of the potential for rain accompanied by lightning in West Jakarta, South Jakarta and East Jakarta, as well as the Thousand Islands. Lightning in South Jakarta, West Jakarta, and East Jakarta is expected to occur in the afternoon and evening. Meanwhile in the Thousand Islands it is estimated to occur in the early morning. BMKG detailed that in the morning the weather in all areas of DKI Jakarta will be clear and cloudy. In a number of areas it has changed, namely in West Jakarta, Central Jakarta and North Jakarta, light rain is expected.

Meanwhile, South Jakarta and East Jakarta are expected to rain with moderate intensity, and cloudy in the Thousand Islands. At night, the weather in the entire DKI Jakarta area is cloudy. In the early morning, thunderstorms are expected in the Thousand Islands region, then West Jakarta, Central Jakarta and North Jakarta is expected to have light rain. Meanwhile, cloudy South Jakarta and East Jakarta are forecast. Meanwhile, the air temperature in Jakarta is estimated to be in the range of 24 to 32 degrees Celsius. The humidity level is estimated to reach 75 to 95 percent.