Ukraine Reports Rise In Radiation Levels At Chernobyl . Nuclear Power Plant Site

JAKARTA - Ukraine's nuclear agency noted an increase in radiation levels at the site of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which is no longer functioning.

Experts at the agency did not provide detailed radiation levels, but said the figures had changed due to the movement of heavy military equipment in the area, which then lifted radioactive dust into the air.

“Radiation is starting to increase. But not at a critical stage for Kiev at the moment, but we continue to monitor it," the Interior Ministry said.

Chernobyl itself is located about 100 kilometers from Kiev.

Ukraine's neighbor, Poland, said it had not recorded an increase in radiation levels in its region.

Meanwhile, presidential advisers said that President Volodymyr Zelenskiy was still in the capital Kiev.

“The basic scenario of Russia's special operations is clear. The aim is to take over Kiev and kill the Ukrainian authorities, President Zelenskiy personally," said Mykhallo Podolyak, an adviser to the Ukrainian president's office.