Tulungagung DPRD Member Fined Rp. 12.5 Million For Violating Prokes

TULUNGAGUNG - Member of the DPRD Tulungagung Regency, East Java, Basroni was found guilty and sentenced to a fine of Rp. 12.5 million. The defendant was declared by the panel of judges to have violated the health protocol when the area where he lived was still PPKM level 4.

The trial for the decision on the violation of the health protocol (prokes) by unscrupulous members of the council was held at the Tulungagung District Court.

The trial was chaired by Ricky Ferdinand as the presiding judge, accompanied by two member judges, namely Florence Katerina and Fausiah.

In the decision in accordance with the deliberation of the panel of judges, it was stated that the defendant was legally and convincingly proven to have violated Article 14 paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 4 of 1984 concerning Infectious Disease Outbreaks, and Article 93 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine.

The three judges agreed to state the facts from the previous trial and the statements of witnesses, the defendant had been proven guilty of holding puppets during the level 4 pandemic.

"For the violations committed, the defendant Basroni was sentenced to a fine of Rp. 12.5 million, subsidiary to three months in prison," said presiding judge Ricky reading the verdict, quoted by Antara, Friday, February 25.

The verdict was half lighter than the demands of the public prosecutor (JPU).

After the trial, Ricky explained that the lower verdict was due to the fact that the defendant was cooperative.

The defendant had also never served a sentence before, and behaved politely in court.

The judge also observed the fact that the puppet show held by the defendant Basroni was not solely for personal gain, but was held every Muharram month because it has become a habit of the people with the intention of repelling reinforcements'.

Meanwhile, the thing that burdens the defendant is that the defendant as a member of the DPRD does not support the government's program in handling COVID-19.

The defendant was desperate to perform a puppet show, even though he did not have a permit.

"So there are three things that are mitigating and aggravating," he said.

With this decision, the defendant accepted the verdict, while the public prosecutor said he was still thinking about it.

"From the three options read by the judge, the defendant accepted, while the prosecutor accepted," he said