12 Baristas From NTB Will Have International Standard Competency Test In Bandung

NTB - A total of 12 professional coffee presenters (Baristas) from West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) took an international standard competency test in Bandung, West Java, from February 24-27 2022.

The Head of the NTB Industry Service, Nuryanti, explained that the competency test was an effort to increase the competitiveness of coffee products when coupled with internationally standardized expertise.

This effort is also in order to prepare human resources (HR) to welcome guests who will come to NTB from various countries to participate in various activities.

"We really have to prepare human resources because international guests are arriving, so that the added value of our good coffee has a much greater added value," he said when contacted from Mataram, Antara, Thursday, February 24.

Nuryanti said that as many as 12 baristas who took part in the competency test came from all regencies/cities in NTB. They will become embryos for the Training Of Trainers (TOT) and collaborate with other young baristas who have not had the opportunity to participate.

Separately, the Governor of NTB H Zulkieflimansyah also thanked the West Java Provincial Government for providing opportunities for the sons of the NTB region to continue to hone their skills, one of which is in barista training.

The barista competency test training is also one of the blessings felt for the collaboration established by the West Java-NTB Connection.

"The capacity of the community must be upgraded and thank God, with collaboration and synergy with West Java, many of us will be trained so that they have qualified skills and abilities," he said.