Today, M Is Disappointed With The Trial Of Blasphemy Cases At The Ciamis District Court

CIAMIS - The defendant in the blasphemy case M Kece underwent a follow-up trial with the agenda of reading the demands by the Public Prosecutor of the Ciamis District Attorney, at the Ciamis District Court, West Java, Thursday, February 24.

The defendant M Kece came to the courtroom accompanied by police officers to hear the reading of the demands.

Before undergoing the trial, M Kece had given a statement that he was ready to take part in the trial.

"I am ready for the trial, hopefully it will go smoothly," he said as quoted by Antara.

Defendant M Kece was prosecuted for making video content on his YouTube channel about demeaning and harassing the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.

In addition, in the video, there is a video showing about distorting the greetings of Muslims until the act was reported and prosecuted. The M Kece trial was marked by a mass action in front of the Ciamis District Court, and they demanded that the defendant be sentenced to the maximum.

Field coordinator Wawan Malik Marwan said the joint action of Muslims from a number of areas came to defend Islam, there was no command but a call to faith.

"This action is a joint action of Muslims in Ciamis, Tasikmalaya, Garut, and other areas, because of the call of faith," he said.

He conveyed that Muslims would continue to oversee M Kece's trial to the end with the hope that the defendant was sentenced to the maximum.

"We demand that M Kece be punished to the fullest extent, we will guard it to the end," he said.