Ministry Of Health Changes PCR Exit Test Recovering From COVID-19 Just One Time

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health has changed the conditions for the exit of the PCR test for people who are confirmed to have COVID-19 to be declared cured in the PeduliLindung application.

Currently, the Ministry of Health is simplifying the PCR exit test from what previously had to be done 2 times (on D+5 and D+6) to 1 time (on D+5). If the PCR exit test is negative, the PeduliLindung status will automatically turn green.

Meanwhile, previously the PCR exit test had to be carried out twice, namely on H+5 (day 6) with negative results, then it had to be continued for the second PCR test, namely the following day.

"For the 2nd PCR exit test, there is no need. So it is only enough to carry out a PCR exit test on H+5 and the results must be negative," said Expert Staff of the Minister of Health for Health Technology Setiaji in a statement, Wednesday, February 23.

This simplification of the PCR exit test was carried out because many public complaints regarding the color status at PeduliLindung did not change from black to green. In fact, the results of the next PCR test showed negative results.

Then, at this time, Setiaji revealed that if the exit test result was negative, the PeduliLindungi status would automatically turn green.

Furthermore, there is another way so that the PeduliLindung status can change from black (exposed to COVID-19) to green (cured) without the need to do PCR as an exit test.

Setiaji said, the public can wait for the isolation period until D+10 since exposure. After that, the status in PeduliLindung will automatically turn green on H+10 even though there is no PCR exit test.

"Otherwise, the H+5 to H+10 PCR will automatically turn green, even though neither exit test nor PCR is carried out," he said.