Having A Series Of Services Including Doctors For Soekarno-Hatta, IDI-PKBI Proposes Suharto A National Hero

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Indonesian Family Planning Association (PKBI) support Dr R Suharto's proposal as a National Hero for his struggle and dedication.

This support was matured through a national seminar organized by IDI, PKBI collaborated with the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (ILUNI FKUI) and the family of the late Dr R Soeharto in a hybrid manner from the Imeri Building, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, today.

"He left a number of achievements, including establishing the PKBI which is also the forerunner of the birth of the BKKBN throughout Indonesia," said PKBI General Chair Dr Ichsan Malik as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, February 21.

According to Ichsan, Dr R Suharto, who was a presidential doctor during the first President and Vice President of Indonesia Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta, was also instrumental in building the Family Planning movement.

"He is also multi-talented, actively engaged in government, education and finance, because he was also the founder of BNI, in the field of resilience as the administrative head of the Ministry of Defense with the rank of Honorary Major General," he added.

The same thing was conveyed by the General Chairperson of the IDI Executive Board, Dr. Daeng M Faqih, that the history of IDI could not be separated from the services of Dr. R. Soeharto, among others, bringing together the associations of healers and the association of Indonesian doctors and holding the first congress.

"In fact, the word bond from IDI was purely a suggestion from Dr. Suharto," said Daeng Fakih.

The event is a continuation of a local seminar that was held on December 22, 2022 in Klaten Regency as the proposing area.

The merits of Dr. Soeharto, who was born in 1908 and died in Jakarta on November 30, 2000, were, among others, during the national movement, as a member of the Jong Islaminten Bond, then a big board member of Jong Java who participated in the 1928 Youth Congress II which gave birth to the Youth Pledge.

The struggle during the Japanese occupation, in the health department of the People's Power Poesat (PUTERA) and the involvement of Dr R Suharto in an important chapter in Indonesian history, namely on August 12, 1945 accompanying Soekarno, M Hatta, and KRT Radjiman Wedyodiningrat on a critical flight to meet General Terauchi to Dalat and Saigon to discuss the promise of independence for Indonesia.

The role and professionalism of Dr R Soeharto in taking appropriate medical action on Soekarno's health, ahead of the reading of the text of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence. This medical action really determined that the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence could still be carried out according to the planned time, namely at 10.00 WIB on August 17, 1945.

The role and struggle of Dr R Suharto during the period around the Proclamation of Independence from completing the list of members of the Central Indonesian National Committee (KNIP), facilitating secret meetings of President Soekarno at his private home in Kramat Raya 128, among others, with Tan Malaka.

In addition, the struggle as treasurer, deputy chairman/chairman of the Indonesian Independence Foundation who is able to collect, manage and distribute funds in this institution according to its function and designation, so that news about the proclamation of Indonesian independence can be disseminated to various parts of Indonesia, the country through the printing of posters. posters and delivery of independence couriers.

"Alhamdulillah, our intention is to glorify parents and express their example from their struggle so that they can become useful learning materials and inspire many parties, especially the younger generation to appreciate history and be passionate about building and advancing Indonesia Raya, and has the support of many parties," said Dewi Kamaratih Suharto, daughter of the late Dr R Suharto.