Twitter Tests A Feature That Saves Users From Annoying Threads

JAKARTA - Being a part or being mentioned in a thread is fun, but for most users it is quite annoying. Now, Twitter has a solution.
The company is reportedly in the stage of testing a way out for users who don't want to be part of the thread. Researcher Jane Manchun Wong via her official Twitter tweeted a clear screenshot of the new dubbed feature, leave this conversation.
Described in Wong's screenshot, the feature will remove username tags from Twitter conversations, and prevent people from mentioning them again in conversations.
Twitter is working on an onboarding screen for “Leave this conversation”
— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) February 18, 2022
Not only that, the feature can also stop the so-called person from receiving notifications about it. However, the user can still see the thread.
This feature looks different from mute conversation, the already existing option to turn off notifications on a thread. According to Wong's follow-up tweet as quoted from The Verge, Tuesday, February 22, leaving the conversation will cause the thread to appear as plain text in the tweet where the user is mentioned.
No more hyperlinks that someone would normally see if they mention someone in a thread. This can discourage other users from engaging users who have left a conversation to the thread. This indicates that he is not interested in participating.
Twitter declined to confirm whether it was testing the feature. However, the company continues to introduce subtle ways to control how other users engage with their accounts.
Including adjustments simplify existing options, such as forcing users to unfollow someone, and limiting replies and notifications when accounts with large followers retweet them.