Observers Say Discourse On Moving The Capital City Already In The Soeharto Era

LEBAK - Political observer from the Setiabudhi Rangkasbitung College of Social and Political Sciences (STISIP) Harits Hijrah Wicaksana said President Joko Widodo's decision to build the State Capital (IKN) was one of the efforts to organize development changes and lead to an advanced Indonesia. who are very brave to move IKN from Jakarta to East Kalimantan," said Harits in Lebak Regency, Banten Province, Monday, February 21. In fact, in the past, there was an emergency government relocation to Yogyakarta and Padang, he said. In the New Order era, he continued, President Suharto had also discussed the plan to relocate IKN. At that time, the plan to move the IKN almost designed the form of IKN, but it did not come to fruition. Similar plans have also been discussed in the reform era, starting from the leadership of Abdurahman Wahid, Megawati to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). the transfer of IKN from Jakarta to East Kalimantan in the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic crisis. With the transfer of the IKN, it is hoped that Indonesia can compete at a global level, according to him. The relocation of capital cities has also occurred in several countries, such as the United States which has a central government in Washington DC and the economic center in New York. In addition, Australia also has a government center in Canberra and an economic center in Sydney. The construction of the IKN transfer from Jakarta to East Kalimantan was carried out with careful consideration. Currently, he said, Java Island is already densely populated, industrialized, trafficked, prone to social conflicts, natural disasters, and the demographics of the population are increasing. The advantage of the IKN location in East Kalimantan is that it is also relatively safe from the threat of natural disasters. In addition, the transfer of IKN received the support of the people of East Kalimantan and there was no rejection.

The development of IKN transfers has also been strengthened by the Law (UU) which has been ratified by Commission III of the DPR RI. Therefore, the Government must realize IKN development and if it is not built it will certainly cause problems. developing with new settlements, markets, education, offices, services, tourist destinations and economic zones, thus triggering urbanization to East Kalimantan. Most likely in that area the government prepares land for agriculture, animal husbandry, and fisheries to meet the food needs of the community. The transfer of IKN is a milestone and also makes Jokowi's successful performance as president also aims to shift the center of the economy so as to realize economic equity in Indonesia," he said.