Andi Widjojanto's Duties After Jokowi's Inauguration As Governor Of Lemhanas

JAKARTA - The Governor of Lemhanas Andi Widjajanto has the task of designing a geopolitical projection towards Indonesia 2045 which is respected at the regional and global levels.

He conveyed this after being inaugurated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the State Palace, Jakarta on Monday, February 21. Andi was inaugurated as the Governor of Lemhanas replacing Agus Widjojo who currently sits as the Indonesian Ambassador to the Philippines.

"The President's direction is to strengthen the transformation of the National Defense Institute so that it is in line with the geopolitical challenges of the 21st century," Andi said after being inaugurated as shown on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube.

In line with Jokowi, Andi also said that the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia who is also the Chair of the Steering Committee of BPIP and BRIN, Megawati Soekarnoputri asked her to adhere to the ideology of Pancasila on June 1 and the idea of the first President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno. So, in the future, Lemhanas can design geopolitical projections that will make Indonesia respected.

"The Governor of Lemhanas, by sticking to the Pancasila ideology last June 1, tried to accommodate Bung Karno's great ideas along with the strategic thinking of national figures as the basis for Lehmanas to move forward and finally design the geopolitical projection of Greater Indonesia, towards the respected Indonesia 2045. at the regional and global level," he said. In addition, Lemhanas was asked to move to actualize itself as a strategic study institution that is increasingly relevant to the latest developments, able to absorb new scientific methodologies. Moreover, in the digital era which is now a challenge.

"Those are the tasks given to me and with the existing tools, Lemhanas will try as quickly as possible so that the achievements of these tasks can be realized immediately," said Andi.

As previously reported, Andi's inauguration as Governor of Lemhanas was based on Presidential Decree (Keppres) No. 21P/2022 concerning the Appointment of Governor of the Indonesian National Resilience Institute. The decision was read by the Deputy for Administrative Affairs of the Ministry of State Secretary (Kemensetneg) Nanik Purwanti.

"Deciding, determining and so on. First, appointing Brother Andi Widjajanto as Governor of the Indonesian Resilience Institution starting from the time of his inauguration and he is given financial and administrative rights at the ministerial level," the Presidential Decree reads.