Khofifah Coordinates With The Regional Military Commander To Manage The Distribution Of Rare Cooking Oil That Makes East Java Residents Uneasy

PACITAN - The East Java Provincial Government has optimized the work visit of Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa in Pacitan Regency by holding a low-cost cooking oil market operation in the south coast of western East Java.

"This is homework that must be completed together with all regents/mayors throughout East Java in carrying out market operations to ease people's purchasing power," said Governor Khofifah after conducting a review of cooking oil market operations and giving productive zakat in the form of ultra-micro business capital assistance at the office. The UPT Bappenda East Java in Pacitan Regency was reported by Antara, Saturday, February 19.

In addition to holding a cooking oil market operation, this activity is also used to distribute productive zakat for ultra-micro businesses in Pacitan.

Khofifah hopes that this activity can stimulate the stability of cooking oil supply, as well as provide convenience and ease purchasing power for the community.

Khofifah explained that the low-cost market operation program was held with the aim of overcoming the scarcity of cooking oil in the market. In this activity, the East Java Province Disperindag provided around 4 thousand liters of cooking oil. Every citizen who queues according to the coupon provided has the right to buy a maximum of two liters of cooking oil for Rp. 25 thousand.

"There is a price subsidy from the East Java Provincial Government, in addition to the standardized price of Rp. 14 thousand per liter for premium packaging. We sell two liters for Rp. 25 thousand. The hope is to help ease the burden on the community, especially in conjunction with the 277th Anniversary of Pacitan Regency which falls on February 19 this," said Khofifah.

According to Khofifah, the scarcity of cooking oil should not have occurred because the total production of cooking oil factories for East Java has reached 63 thousand tons per month.

Of the total demand for cooking oil, as much as 59 thousand tons per month. This means that there should be a surplus of 4 thousand tons every month.

Khofifah admitted that she had coordinated with Pangdam V/Brawijaya and the East Java Regional Police Chief to carry out inspections at cooking oil factories.

As a result, it is suspected that there is a problem in the distribution of cooking oil from upstream to downstream, because the factory states that it has never reduced the amount of production. But the fact is there is a shortage in the field.

"I have coordinated with the Minister of Trade because this has something to do with subsidies from the central government, that the supply of Rp. 3 trillion up to six months should be smooth," he explained.

To overcome this problem, Khofifah invites all food task forces in all lines to check the distribution flow.

The goal is to find where the tangled thread is the scarcity of cooking oil. This is because many of the oil stocks in modern shopping centers and minimarkets are empty despite pre-orders (POs).

"Yesterday the Minister of Trade also looked back at the distribution of cooking oil in Surabaya and Sidoarjo. In the past two days several Director Generals of the Ministry of Trade also have an office at the East Java Disperindag to coordinate the scarcity of cooking oil. Thank you for your concern for the people of East Java," he concluded.