East Java Governor Invites Pacitan Residents To Participate In Promoting Regional Tourism

PACITAN - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa invites all elements in Pacitan Regency to make the momentum of the district's 277th Anniversary a spirit and optimism to move forward and rise, especially in terms of developing connectivity in the tourism sector.

"The Pacitan Tumandang theme gives us the spirit to work hard. Today hard work must be followed by professional work and digital transformation. Synergizing and collaborating will be an important part for the progress of Pacitan today and in the future, especially since Pacitan has tremendous potential in the world. the tourism sector," Khofifah said while attending the 277th Anniversary of Pacitan Regency at the Pacitan Regency Grand Hall, reported by Antara, Saturday, February 19.

Khofifah said that the tourism potential in Pacitan must be supported by connectivity with various surrounding areas, including with other provinces, namely Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

"This connectivity is important, including with other Mataraman areas. So the beauty of Pacitan, the extraordinary charm of tourism in Pacitan, I think it requires a wider connectivity and publicity process, so that tourists, both domestic and foreign, can enjoy the beautiful charm of Pacitan tourism. ," he said.

According to Khofifah, building connectivity in Pacitan is not only homework for the district government, but also the East Java Provincial Government, especially with business actors engaged in tourism agencies.

"Whether with Central Java and Yogyakarta or the Mataraman area. Reaching these beautiful points turns out to require energy which is not easy to access. So there must be other connected destination points, so that people don't feel that they have reached the point where they really need to be. really have that extraordinary charm," he said.

For this reason, Khofifah will coordinate with the Head of the East Java Culture and Tourism Office, the Transportation Service and the East Java Provincial Public Works Cipta Karya Office, regarding the development of access or roads in Pacitan, both access to Pacitan Regency and between tourist destinations.

"Hopefully the inter-point access will be able to bring closer destinations that both have interesting values. So they can be connected and mutually reinforcing one another," he said.

Khofifah hopes that the Pacitan Regency Government will continue to develop and optimize the existing potential, not only for the welfare of the residents, but also presenting Pacitan as an economic power that supports East Java on the west side.

"Pacitan has a lot of natural potential, strong cultural roots, and local characteristics that can become new strengths, both in East Java and for Indonesia. The key is continuous synergy between the government and citizens," he said.

On that occasion, Governor Khofifah also conveyed a happy 277th Anniversary of Pacitan Regency. Through the theme Pacitan Tumandang, he hopes it can become an important commitment in the form of a spirit of togetherness between the government and citizens. This togetherness, according to him, must continue to be nurtured to become a strength in developing a region.

"The philosophy of the theme in commemorating the anniversary this year (Pacitan Tumandang) is very good and meaningful. Moving together is the key to successful development in realizing people's welfare," he said.