Transportation, Warehouse And Telco Hoist Sector Investment Realization In Jakarta Rp103 Trillion, Central Jakarta And South Jakarta Absorb The Most Investment

JAKARTA - The transportation, warehouse and telecommunications business sectors are the driving force for investment realization in DKI Jakarta Province in 2021. The value is IDR 40.59 trillion or contributes 39.29 percent of the total investment realization in Jakarta which reaches IDR 103.3 trillion.

"Investment growth in 2021 is dominated by telecommunication companies that continue to record investment realizations in Jakarta," said Head of DKI Jakarta Provincial DPMPTSP Benni Aguscandra in a statement, Friday, February 18.

Not only that, Benni also said that the development of skyscraper construction in the Thamrin Nine CBD area also recorded increasing investment realization achievements in the housing, industrial and office business sectors.

"This investment growth also signifies the return of investor optimism about the investment climate in Jakarta as well as investor confidence in the government in controlling the spread of COVID-19," added Benni.

Several other sectors that recorded large investments in Jakarta include the housing, industrial and office areas with a value of Rp30 trillion; Other Services amounting to Rp11.28 trillion; trade and repair business sector with an investment realization of Rp8.78 trillion; hotel and restaurant business sector of Rp.4.82 trillion; and other business sectors amounting to Rp8.36 trillion.

Meanwhile, based on the area, Central Jakarta became the Administrative City with the largest investment realization achievement in the DKI Jakarta area with a total of Rp. 40.589 trillion, the second position was occupied by South Jakarta of Rp. 38.932 trillion, then West Jakarta of Rp. 8.843 trillion, North Jakarta of Rp. 7 ,848 trillion, East Jakarta for Rp7,076 trillion and the Thousand Islands Administrative District for Rp45 billion

Based on a report released by the Ministry of Investment / BKPM, the realization of investment in DKI Jakarta from January to December 2021 amounted to Rp. 103.3 trillion, consisting of the realization of FDI investment of 3.3 billion US dollars or equivalent to Rp. 48.6 trillion and the realization of domestic investment of Rp. 54 .7 trillion.

Thus, the realization of investment in DKI Jakarta increased by 8.8 percent from the realization of investment realization in 2020, which was Rp. 95 trillion

"This achievement has also exceeded the target set in 2021, which is IDR 94 trillion or 109.9 percent of the target set. This achievement is proof that investment performance in Jakarta is getting better," said Benni.