12,698 Children In This Area Do Not Have A Birth Certificate
AGAM - The Population and Civil Registration Service (Disdukcapil) of Agam Regency, West Sumatra, recorded that 12,698 of 161,879 children aged 0-18 years in the area did not have a birth certificate as of December 31, 2021.
"As many as 7.84 percent of children aged 0-18 years in Agam do not have a birth certificate," said Head of the Agam Disdukcapil, Helton in Lubukbasung, Agam Regency, Thursday 17 February.
He said the children who did not have birth certificates were spread across 16 sub-districts, namely Tanjungmutiara District as many as 993 of 11,347 people or 8.75 percent, Lubukbasung 1,432 of 26,049 people or 5.50 percent, Tanjungraya 1,123 of 11,346 people or 9.73 percent.
Meanwhile, Matur District 210 out of 5,518 people or 3.81 percent, Ampekkoto 651 out of 7,721 people from 8.54 percent, Banuhampu 928 out of 11,762 people or 7.89 percent, Ampekangkek 1,510 out of 13,526 people or 11.16 percent.
Meanwhile, Baso Subdistrict 925 of 11,107 people or 8.33 percent, Tilatangkamang 1,293 of 11,126 people or 11.62 percent, Palupuh 323 of 4,800 people or 6.73 percent, Palembayan 1,333 of 11,658 people or 11.43 percent.
In addition, Sungaipua District 548 of 8,575 people or 6.39 percent, Ampeknagari 356 of 10,695 people or 3.33 percent, Canduang 281 of 7,395 people or 3.80 percent, Kamangmagek 549 of 6,146 people or 8.93 percent and Malalak 243 of 3,008 people or 8.08 percent.
"Amperangkek, Tilatangkamang, and Palembayan sub-districts have a low percentage," he said.
According to him, in order to target 100 percent of children aged 0-18 years having a birth certificate, Agam's Disdukcapil conducts a ball pick-up program to schools, villages, sub-districts and others.
After that, serve the service program at night for all population documents, both birth certificates, e-KTP, resident cards and others.
"We continue to make various efforts and produce breakthroughs so that the target is achieved," he said.
He added that there were 149,181 children aged 0-18 years who already had birth certificates or 92.16 percent.
The total population of Agam is 524,829 consisting of 264,322 men and 260,507 women.