PBNU Chairman Gus Yahya Approves PCNU Surabaya Building To Be Used As A Museum
SURABAYA - General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU), KH Yahya Cholil Staquf, or familiarly called Gus Yahya, approved the Surabaya City Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Branch Management Building on Bubutan Street to be used as a museum.
"I agree that this is a museum so that its maintenance can be guaranteed", he said during a tahlilan (ceremony to pray for the dead) commemorating NU's 99th Birthday at the PCNU Surabaya Office, quoted by Antara on Thursday, February 17.
Although it will be used as a museum, Gus Yahya still asks that religious spiritual activities in this building be allowed. "Still at certain times a place of prayer is used so that the spiritual energy of this building can still be felt", he said.
The PCNU building in Surabaya is a cultural heritage and has a high historical value for the birth of NU. In Dutch, this building is named Hoofdbestuur which means the big administrator or head office.
Indeed, this building used to be the headquarters of PBNU before finally moving to Pasuruan and Madiun, until finally moving to Jakarta.
In this building, KH Hasyim Asy'ari and scholars from Java and Madura formulated a jihad resolution against the invaders on October 21 and 22, 1945.
Therefore, he said, maintaining the Surabaya City PCNU Building as cultural heritage is part of PBNU's way to continue to maintain the bond between the current generation and the origins of NU's establishment.
Meanwhile, Gus Yahya's statement regarding the creation of a museum also answered the statement of the Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi who asked the General Chairperson of PBMI for permission to make the PCNU Office a museum.
"We ask for permission, if possible we will turn this building into a museum. Later the PCNU office will be moved so that the maintenance of this building can be maintained", said Eri.
Eri Cahyadi also asked Gus Yahya for permission so that the upcoming Nahdlatul Ulama Congress could be held in Surabaya.
"I permit that in one century NU, the congress will be held in Surabaya, we are ready and spiritual. PBNU will return to Surabaya", he said.
Meanwhile, the tahlilan activity to commemorate the 99th anniversary of NU which was held in Surabaya was attended by dozens of PBNU Management and Nahdlatul Ulama Regional Manager (PWNU) administrators throughout Indonesia.
After the tahlilan, the group went straight to the Syaichona Kholil Islamic Boarding School Bangkalan to take part in the peak of the 99th NU Harlah.