Gus Yahya: NU Needs Khofifah

SURABAYA - The General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board KH Yahya Cholil Staquf or Gus Yahya emphasized that NU needed the role of Khofifah Indar Parawansa because she had the ability as a technocrat. Chairman of the PBNU Tanfidziyah," said Gus Yahya when met after the 99th NU Gathering at the Grahadi State Building in Surabaya, Wednesday, February 16. He admitted that choosing Khofifah, including Alissa Wahid in the PBNU structure, was not due to gender issues, but rather to quality and needs. "If there is someone better than Mbak Khofifah, maybe I won't invite her in. For those who question her quality, look for a better one and show it to me. But I'm sure that in Indonesia there is no one more technocratic than her," he said. The chairman of the PBNU said that in the organization he currently leads, he wants to be managed like a government so that kecak is needed. what technocracy.

He recalls being the spokesman for President Gus Dur several years ago, who until now has not dared to be asked why he chose Khofifah to go directly to the executive branch, even to become a minister. In addition to being a minister in the era of President Gus Dur, Khofifah was also trusted by President Joko Widodo as Minister Social, then now serves as the Governor of East Java. He will also ask Khofifah to tour all PWNU throughout the country to teach about technocracy education to all administrators, both at the provincial and branch levels. "But before leaving the province, please teach about technocracy in the East Java PWNU body. After the provincial level, then the branches," he said. "Once again, I ask Mrs. Khofifah as chairman to teach about how to manage and build technocracy within NU," he added. Also present were a number of tanfidziyah administrators, PBNU Rais syuriah and PWNU Chairs throughout the country. PBNU Secretary General S aifullah Yusuf or familiarly called Gus Ipul explained that the peak of the NU Harlah series was held in Bangkalan Regency, Madura, which was chosen because it was the birthplace of KH Syaichona Kholil.