Religious Leaders Gather At The Hok Tek Bio Temple, Emphasize The Unity Of The People To Protect Banjarnegara From Radicalism

BANJARNEGARA - A number of religious leaders in Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java, hope that inter-religious harmony and tolerance that have been established will be maintained.
"What a number of religious leaders in Banjarnegara did last night was a friendship in the context of knitting tolerance among religious believers," said the head of the Tanbihul Ghofilin Islamic Boarding School Alif Baa Mantrianom, KH Najib Khayatul Makky in his statement in Banjarnegara, Antara, Wednesday, February 16.
Gus Khayat, KH Najib Khayatul Makky's nickname, said this was related to the gathering held by Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian, and Believers of Beliefs and the Gusdurian Community at the Hok Tek Bio Temple, Banjarnegara, on Tuesday, 15 February night.
In addition to knitting tolerance, he said, in the friendship, his party wanted inter-religious unity in Banjarnegara. "We want an atmosphere that continues to be cool and cool in our place," he said.
According to him, what the religious leaders at the Hok Tek Bio Temple did was an attempt to fortify Banjarnegara from radical teachings that could enter the district.
"Once again, we do not want to understand radicalism in our place. We take care of each other, respect each other," he emphasized.
Gus Khayat said the religious leaders who attended the gathering agreed to hold a similar activity on a regular basis once a month.
Meanwhile, Hindu religious leader Resi Yeppi Teguh said that with a conducive situation, the harmonization and religious climate would be more comfortable. "Another important thing is that the communication network that is established will get better," he said.