Jogo Tonggo Task Force Puts Up Stickers' Please Pray For The Blessings Of These Residents While Isoman, 'at Nguter Sukoharjo Residents' House

SUKOHARJO - The COVID-19 Task Force in Nguter Subdistrict, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java installed dozens of stickers at the homes of residents undergoing self-isolation (isoman). This installation is to facilitate the supervision of the Jogo Tonggo Task Force officers.

"Installing stickers at the homes of residents who are isoman because they have confirmed COVID-19 without symptoms to facilitate supervision by the Jogo Tonggo Task Force," said Nguter Sub-district Head, Ariyanto Mulyatmojo, in Sukoharjo, Antara, Wednesday, February 16.

A sticker posted on the house of isoman residents, reads "Please pray for this resident's blessing, he is isoman". The sticker is also an information to guests that the person being visited is isoman.

He said the number of confirmed COVID-19 residents in Nguter District increased by six people, bringing the total to 49 people. They are spread over 13 villages in this region.

Residents who undergo isomanism at home must meet requirements, including at least the house must have its own bathroom and bedroom or be separated from family members.

"If residents of their homes for isoman do not meet the requirements, they must carry out centralized isolation (isoter) in the village or at the district level in Celep Village," he said.

Isoman residents, he said, received logistical support borne by the Jogo Tonggo Task Force, adjusting to local wisdom. The head of the Nguter Health Center, Sugeng Purnomo, explained that the local health center is isoter and treats COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms and people without symptoms (OTG).

Nguter Health Center has provided 30 beds to treat COVID-19 patients. The first floor has 20 beds and the second floor has 10 beds.

"If cases increase, we will prepare again for adjustments. However, we hope that COVID-19 cases will not increase again," he said.

The development of data on COVID-19 cases, based on information uploaded on the Sukoharjo Health Office Instagram until Tuesday (15/2), stated that there were an additional 76 cases of mild symptoms and 22 cases, bringing the total to 623 cases. Accumulatedly in Sukoharjo there were 16,243 cases.

A total of 623 active cases of COVID-19 consisted of 59 hospitalized cases, 563 isoman cases, and one isoter case. Residents who were declared cured increased by 91 cases to become 14,224 cases and died increased by one case to become 1,394 cases.