Ganjar Dialogue With Wadas Citizens, PPP Politicians: Need To Be Open To Find Good Alternatives

JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the DPR from PPP, Arsul Sani, commented on the steps taken by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, who came and had direct dialogue with residents of Wadas Village, Purworejo, Central Java.
According to him, all related parties should be open to each other in finding a way out of the turmoil of Wadas Village residents.
"In principle, each one needs to be open to looking for good alternatives and not depart from their 'main' position, so that dialogue can take place," said Arsul Sani to reporters, Wednesday, February 16.
Arsul said that the social condition of the community is still divided between the pros and cons of andesite mining. It is known that Commission III of the DPR recently visited Wadas Village to find facts on the ground.
Therefore, the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR asked the Central Java Provincial Government and residents to open a dialogue. If necessary, involve community leaders to religious leaders.
"We hope that both the government and residents who refuse to continue to open communication either directly or through certain activists or clerics like Kiai Abdul Azis," said Arsul.
"Of course what is expected is a follow-up to the policy of listening to all parties," he added.
Previously, Ganjar returned to Wadas, Purworejo on Sunday, February 13, to have a dialogue with residents who are against mining.
The dialogue was held at the Nurul Huda Mosque, Wadas village, attended by dozens of residents who objected to andesite mining and dams.
The dialogue process was focused on hearing directly related to the problems that occurred in the previous week.
Ganjar expressed his gratitude because the residents had conveyed their complaints and were able to accept his presence well.
He also apologized for the incident that had occurred during the land surveying process by BPN which resulted in the arrest of 60 residents by the police at the Bener Police Sector.
During the visit, Ganjar also received agricultural products such as bananas, potatoes, bananas, coconuts, pineapples, rambutan and durians which were served at the meeting.
At least Ganjar will take 3 options after a meeting with the residents, namely a technical evaluation of the policy, about the approach method, and hearing firsthand what are the pros and cons.