Rape With Disabilities In Magelang Threatened With 12 Years In Prison

MAGELANG - Magelang Police, Central Java, stated that the suspect in the rape of a woman with a disability with the initials TH (58) was threatened with 12 years in prison.

"The alleged rapists of women with disabilities are threatened with Article 285 of the Criminal Code or Article 286 of the Criminal Code with a maximum prison sentence of 12 years," said Magelang Police Chief AKBP Mochamad Sajarod Zakun, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 16.

Sajarod said that the suspect had carried out this dishonest act since 2020.

He said that the incident occurred in January 2020 when the victim was asked by her mother to pick up the suspect's wife, who worked at a business place owned by the victim's parents. However, the suspect's wife was not present. The suspect used the opportunity to rape the victim.

"This incident was repeated by the suspect to the victim 4 times at the suspect's house. This action was carried out by the suspect when the house was quiet or when the victim was playing near the suspect's house," he said.

The incident was known to the victim's mother who was suspicious because AR's stomach was enlarged and when she was examined at the puskesmas it was found that the victim was 6 months pregnant.

The victim stated that the suspect TH was the perpetrator, then the victim's mother immediately reported this incident to the Magelang Police.

"Because the victim has a disability, the suspect is taking advantage of it because the victim does not know whether the act was appropriate or not," said the Magelang Police Chief.

After receiving the report, the Magelang Police PPA investigator carried out an investigation in the form of examining the victim accompanied by a disability assistant and a psychologist, examining witnesses and DNA testing.