Food Prices In Jakarta Are Predicted To Increase Soon, Why?

JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Food, Maritime and Agriculture Security Agency (KPKP), Suharini Eliawati predicts that food prices in Jakarta will rise in the near future.

What caused it? Suharini revealed that the increase in food prices will occur because the month of Ramadan will soon fall which falls in early April, then until the Eid celebrations. At that time, the need for food will increase.

"The increase in food needs ahead of Ramadan and during Eid celebrations when compared to the needs during the normal month varies depending on the type of food," said Suharini in her statement, Wednesday, February 16.

Suharini detailed that the increase in food demand in March was significantly increased in chicken eggs and meat commodities.

Then, in April, an increase occurred in all strategic food needs such as rice, shallots, garlic, curly red chilies, red chilies, chicken eggs, beef, chicken meat, sugar and cooking oil).

"In May, there was an increase in demand for beef and chicken," he said. Therefore, for the provision of food ahead of the celebration of the religious holiday, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in collaboration with other stakeholders will try to ensure sufficient food availability through DKI BUMD.

"Among others, through PT. Food Station Tjipinang Jaya for rice, cooking oil, eggs, sugar, and garlic. Then, Perumda Pasar Jaya for chilies, onions, and food distribution locations. Perumda Darma Jaya for chicken and beef , he explained.