Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution Closes 10 Schools Due To COVID-19 Contagion

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution said he had closed 10 schools in the area for 14 days due to the transmission of COVID-19 among students and educators.

"We have closed 10 schools as of today, because students, students, or teaching staff have been confirmed positive for COVID-19. This will be closed for two weeks," said Bobby Nasution in Medan, North Sumatra, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, 15 February.

As long as these 10 schools are closed, he continued, teaching and learning activities for students in their respective schools will be shifted to distance learning or online.

To officers, both from the Medan City Health Office and the Public Health Service, he said, immediately carried out testing, tracking, and treatment for those exposed to the virus in order to stop wider transmission.

"If it is possible to vaccinate those who have COVID-19 cases in the 10 schools earlier, my wish is that 70 percent in the second week can only be reopened," said Bobby Nasution.

The Mayor of Medan also said that the coronavirus has now started to spread to school children. Therefore, continued Bobby Nasution, it is important for children aged six to 11 years to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Until now, vaccination of children aged six to 11 years in Medan City has reached 54 percent of the approximately 230 thousand children in this area who are targeted for vaccination.

"The most important thing is how COVID-19 with its existing variants has spread to children. I remind all of us, parents and guardians, to vaccinate their children," said Bobby Nasution.