No Longer With Hotma Sitompul, Desiree Tarigan Celebrates Valentine With Thousands

JAKARTA - Desiree Tarigan decided to divorce Hotma Sitompul, but the divorce process is still being submitted by Hotma. Even though they are still in the separation stage, Desiree admits that she has forgiven her ex-husband.

"If the problem is solved, it might be easier. If you forgive yes of course, what should you do, whats your point you not forgiving, God only forgives us who have sinned a lot. No human is perfect either," said Desiree via Melaney Ricardo's Youtube account some time ago.

Twenty-two years of being in a household with Hotma is not a short time. The two of them certainly have a lot of memories when they were together. Because he has forgiven Hotma, Melaney seems to be trying to find another chance for Desiree to reconcile or even remarry.

"No. I want to enjoy my life with my son, with my grandchildren and later if there are more yes (grandchildren). Right now, I am happy like this," said Desiree.

"In the future, we will never know what is going to happen, but for now I'm happy the way it is," said Desiree Tarigan again.

After separating, Desiree now lives with Thousand. He is active as a content creator by utilizing YouTube and Instagram. Do not want to miss the moment of Valentine, Desiree also celebrated.

Of course, Desiree did not celebrate Valentine's Day with Hotma Sitompul. He celebrated Valentine with Thousand. Quoted from Instagram @mamitoko, Desiree made a special pink cake.

"Happy Valentine Thousand. These are real roses, you know," said Desiree Tarigan.

Getting a beautiful special cake with her favorite flower, Thousand smiled happily. "Thank you," said Thousand to Desiree Tarigan.