Sad, El Barack Positive For COVID-19 And Self-Isolating Without Jessica Iskandar

JAKARTA - Unpleasant news came from Jessica Iskandar's family. He shared the news that his son El Barack was positive for COVID-19.

Through their Instagram accounts, Jessica and Vincent Verhaag uploaded the news. Vincent was seen posting a photo of the swab of himself, Jessica and El.

"Papa V's hero is positive covid, but Papa V's hero is strong! He is self-isolating in his room while homeschooling!" said Vincent Verhaag on Monday, February 14.

"Mama J and Papa V are both self-isolating but because Mama J can't be close to El because they are pregnant, Papa V takes care of our hero, @alexanderbarackel! Hang in there, my hero," he continued.

The swab results showed that only El was positive while Vincent and Jessica were negative. As a result, El now has to self-isolate and sleep separately from his parents.

Jessica, who is currently heavily pregnant, is also not allowed to take close care of El. This Dealova star had uploaded a moment when El cried because she lived apart from him.

"Hi uncle and aunt, EL is positive for covid this morning. Currently EL is self-isolating at home. Please pray for EL, hopefully EL will recover quickly. Mama and papa are isolating at home while taking care of and taking care of EL. pregnant sister. Hopefully all is well and quickly passes. Amen," said Jessica Iskandar.

“El self-isolates in the room, papa checks every 15-30 minutes. Sorry, honey, I can only make video calls. Mom is pregnant with my sister. I love you dear, get well soon," said Jessica Iskandar.