Sad News From Palembang, Three Isoman COVID-19 Patients Died

PALEMBANG - A total of three COVID-19 patients undergoing self-isolation (isoman) treatment with symptomatic or symptomatic cases in Palembang, South Sumatra died.

Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force of the Palembang City Health Service, Yudhi Setiawan, said that of the three patients, each died on Monday, February 7, a resident from Sukarami District, where this case is the first death of a COVID-19 patient this year. in the local area.

In addition, he said, on Sunday, February 13, two patients died. They are residents of Ilir Barat II and Ilir Timur III Subdistricts in Palembang. In addition to contracting COVID-19, they are also comorbid which affects the health of these patients.

"Until now, the number of positive COVID-19 cases in Palembang is still 2,854," he said in Palembang, as reported by Antara, Monday, February 14.

Of this number, most of the COVID-19 cases are symptomatic, namely 2,437 cases, including 12 people being treated intensively in hospitals, 2,301 people being isolated, and 124 people recovering.

The rest are asymptomatic or asymptomatic cases of COVID-19, namely 417 cases consisting of 389 people undergoing self-isolation treatment and 28 recovering.

He said the number of COVID-19 cases was compiled from the results of the antigen swab test and PCR tests on people who wanted to move or who needed treatment at the hospital.

They include people who are in close contact and have been traced with confirmed results of 417 people.

"They generally have mild to moderate symptoms and are isolated," he said.

Yudhi appealed to the public not to worry about carrying out antigen swab tests or PCR tests available at health facilities.

Because through this examination, the spread of COVID-19 can be detected early and those who are confirmed can be immediately treated medically.

He ensured that the government had prepared 19 COVID-19 referral hospitals and other health facilities such as puskesmas in Palembang that were ready to carry out treatment efforts. This is 49 percent, where of the 813 beds provided have been occupied by 404 patients.

The COVID-19 isolation beds are filled with 380 patients or 50 percent of the 764 places prepared. ICU beds are occupied by 24 patients from 67 units provided.

Previously, Palembang Mayor Harnojoyo ensured that the hospital bed was occupied by the accumulated number of referral patients from other regencies/cities, while Palembang residents were 12 people, from eight on Saturday, February 12.

He appealed to the public to continue to comply with health protocols in every daily activity, while all groups obeyed the provisions for the Implementation of Level II Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), to mitigate the spike in COVID-19 cases.

"I believe that if we emphasize the implementation of the prokes, the number of COVID-19 cases will decrease," he said.