KPK Actually Held An SMS Blast Tender, The Value Reached Rp999.2 Million

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) turned out to be holding a tender for the procurement of SMS Masking or SMS Blast whose funds came from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN). The budget used reached Rp. 999,218,000.

Quoted from, this tender is called the 2022 LHKPN SMS Masking Procurement. On the site it is stated that the tender stage has now been completed.

Judging from the site, the location of the work was carried out at the KPK's Red and White Building. Furthermore, there are also a number of requirements that must be followed by bidders, including having a business license in the form of a SIUP or NIB, having a TDP or NIB, having a NPWP, and having fulfilled the tax obligations of the previous year.

Next, the company is required to have a business or office with the correct address and is required to make a letter stating a number of things including that it is not under court supervision, is not bankrupt, and its business activities are not being stopped.

Meanwhile, for technical qualifications, there are a number of things that must be followed, among which the company has at least provided the same service in the government or private sector, including subcontracting experience.

In this tender, there were 19 participants who participated and PT Elpia Internusa Sistematatika won. The company having its address at Ruko BSD Sector 1-1 RC-2 Number 10, Rawabuntu, South Tangserang gave an offer price of Rp.851,554,000.

Actually, there is one other company that also passed the qualification evaluation, qualification verification, administrative evaluation, and technical evaluation, namely PT Smart Millennium Effsiensi. However, it is stated that this company made an offer of Rp.996,998,200 or more from the available budget.