Members Of The House Of Representatives Ask For Cooking Oil Market Operations To Be Conducted Again

JAKARTA - A low-cost market operation to reduce the price of oil in the market is very necessary, considering that until now the price of cooking oil is still high, said Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) Commission VI Herman Khaeron. " said Hero, Herman Khaeron's nickname in Cirebon, Saturday, while reviewing cooking oil stocks in traditional markets. 000 per liter. Even the stock is running low, so that traders can't sell at a price that matches the Highest Retail Price (HET) which is Rp. 14,000 per liter.

For that, according to Hero, the government must go back down by conducting low-cost market operations, so that people can get cooking oil according to the HET. fried bulk and the price is high," he said. Hero added that the government, in this case the Ministry of Trade, must intervene directly, because until now the regulations they have made have not been effective. And even cooking oil tends to be lost in the market. In fact, said Hero, national production can reach 50 million liters, while consumption is only 17 million liters.