Canadian COVID-19 Demonstrators Block Trade Route, Reject Disbandment Order

JAKARTA - Protesters on COVID-19 restrictions are still blocking the important Canada-United States trade route on Friday, February 11, 2022, despite a court order ending the march. The blockade has disrupted the auto industry in North America. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised US President Joe Biden told US President Joe Biden he would take swift action to end the crisis. Earlier the same day, a Canadian judge ordered an end to the four-day blockade on Ambassador Bridge, North America's busiest land border crossing. Friday at 19.00 Eastern Time (Saturday, .07.00 WIB). However, more than two hours later, about 200 demonstrators, including children, were still hanging around the bridge's entrance waving Canadian flags. Some even set off fireworks. Police gathered in a parking lot a few blocks from the demonstrators. They distributed pamphlets warning of sanctions under the province of Ontario's emergency order which took effect at midnight.

Trudeau previously told reporters that nothing could be done yet. Companies, including Ford, have shifted cargo shipments to offset losses amid production cuts. Superior Court Judge Geoffrey Morawetz on Friday approved a request by the auto industry association and the City of Windsor government to the protest was stopped. The demonstrators who occupied the streets leading to the bridge voiced their opposition. "Canada should be a free country," said Liz Vallee, a protester from Chatham, Ontario as reported by Antara. "When freedom is threatened, we have to defend ourselves." Vallee said he and his colleagues will remain there until all pandemic restrictions are lifted. Participants in the "Freedom Convoy", which was started by Canadian truck drivers protesting against a vaccine mandate for drivers cross-border, also occupied areas outside government buildings in the capital Ottawa and blocked two cross-border lanes with the US. The protests against COVID-19 restrictions have inspired similar actions in France, New Zealand, Australia and the US.