Let's Not Disturb Romance, Overcome 5 Things That Can Trigger Misunderstanding

JAKARTA – Everyone often imagines one ideal thing, including a happy love relationship without being colored by misunderstandings. But at the same time, two people in pairs have different temperaments, vulnerabilities, understanding of gender roles, and support networks.

Everyone in a partner has different life experiences, different hormones or hormonal levels, and different trajectories for their emotional development. This difference is a factor that can enlarge and lead to misunderstandings. Things that trigger misunderstandings occur in romantic relationships, including the following.

1. Based on assumptions

According to Steven Stosny, Ph.D. reported by Psyvhology Today, many couples assume that events and behaviors have the same emotional meaning for both. This can invite an exaggerated response. For example, when one of the partners behaves inconsistently with their partner's assumptions, it will invite misunderstanding.

2. Excessive emotional reaction

Couples who came to Stosny, stuck in a habit of excessive hatred, emotional overreaction, and humiliation. From that experience, misunderstandings occur. Stosny recommendations, both people who are in pairs need the formation of new habits for emotional regulation. They must change their childish habits of blaming, denying, and replacing them with more respect and protection.

3. Negative interactions

Difference, is something that every couple has. Only by appreciating differences, instead of making them bigger. Differences can also be capital to improve relationships. That is, interacting negatively will only reinforce differences, so stay open and don't dominate.

4. Only one of the partners is more focused on growing the relationship

In a relationship between two people, if one person is focused and the other is not, it can be frustrating. Focus needs to be shared equally, if you and your partner have it, then feelings of rejection and alienation can be avoided.

5. Oversimplifying information

Still based on assumptions, when you explain information to your partner, ask about things he doesn't understand. Because information that is too simple and doesn't go both ways can lead to misunderstandings.