8 Villages In Gresik Inundated By Floods Due To Lamong River Overflow

GRESIK - Eight villages in two sub-districts in Gresik Regency, East Java, were inundated by floods due to the overflow of Lamong River, which is a tributary of the Bengawan Solo River, after high-intensity rains hit the local area.
Head of Gresik BPBD Tarso Sagito said the Lamong River overflow initially only inundated five villages, but by this evening it had expanded to eight villages in two sub-districts.
The eight villages, he said, were Dapet, Wotan Sari, Banjar Agung, Sekarputih, Pucung, Lundo, Sedapurklagen and Deliksource.
Tarso said the height of the puddle in each village was different and resulted in a number of village road access being cut off, and rice fields and ponds being inaccessible.
In Dapet Village, Balongpanggang District, the flood caused the environmental road to be inundated by up to 60 centimeters.
Then, in Wotan Sari Village, the 700-meter-long environmental road was flooded, then 51 hectares of rice fields were submerged, and a number of public facilities could not be used due to flooding.
"In Banjar Agung Village, a 1 kilometer environmental road, nine houses and 20 hectares of rice fields were flooded," said Tarso, explaining.
Furthermore, in Sekarputih Village and Pucung Village, no houses were submerged, but rice fields and environmental roads were affected by flooding.
In Benjeng District, the flood hit Sedapurklagen Village and inundated the village axis for 400 meters, with a water level of up to 50 centimeters.
"Water also inundated 75 hectares of rice fields and 95 houses in Sedapurklagen Village," said Tarso.
In Deliksource Village, the flood caused the 300-meter-long road, which is the village axis road, to be inundated with a water level of 10 to 40 centimeters. Then the environmental road was flooded with water as high as 20 to 60 centimeters with a length of 2,600 meters, plus an area of 45 hectares of rice fields and as many as 148 houses of residents were also inundated.
Meanwhile, floods also inundated a number of areas crossed by the Lamong River, such as in Lamongan and Mojokerto Regencies.