I'm Well! Antigen Results Can Already Get Free Telemedicine Treatment, But There Are Conditions

JAKARTA - The Director General of Health Services at the Ministry of Health, Abdul Kadir, explained that the reactive results of the antigen rapid test can also be a requirement for self-isolated patients to access telemedicine services for free.

"If it is positive or reactive based on antigen, as long as it is reported through the Ministry of Health's big data NAR (New All Record) system, he should receive telemedicine services," Abdul Kadir said in a virtual press conference that was followed from the Zoom application in Jakarta, Thursday, February 10, quoted from Between.

He recommended conducting rapid antigen tests at a number of health care facilities with laboratories connected through the NAR system of the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

"As long as the test results are reported to the NAR system, it will be verified and a notification will appear via cellphone that the person concerned is entitled to free treatment via telemedicine, including the provision of drugs," he said.

However, Abdul Kadir suggested that people who obtained reactive test results based on antigens should continue the examination through a rapid PCR test for more accurate results.

"If the results of the antigen are positive, we recommend PCR because it is the 'gold standard' (more accurate results). If the rapid test for antigens is very much determined by the high and low titers of our antibodies. If one or two are negative (antigens), maybe they can be positive with PCR, "he said. .

Abdul Kadir added that although COVID-19 cases in Java and Bali are experiencing a spike, the symptoms caused by Omicron are not as severe as during the Delta wave last year.

"On average, the symptoms are asymptomatic to mild. Delta has been admitted to the hospital a lot and the symptoms are severe," he said.

However, the public is advised to remain careful because Omicron will be dangerous for the elderly and comorbid patients and those who have not been vaccinated, including children.

"Omicron spreads quickly, but is mild. We must remain vigilant because Omicron can be transmitted to elderly people, comorbid children and those who have not been vaccinated," he said.