Received Sustainable Energy Fund Grant, Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Encourages Community And Business Actors To Install Rooftop PLTS

JAKARTA - Indonesia received a sustainable energy fund (SEF) grant from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The SEF of 5 megawatt peak (MWp) was given by GEF for the development and investment of rooftop solar power plant (PLTS) projects in Indonesia.

This Rooftop PLTS incentive will be managed and distributed by the Environmental Fund Management Agency (BPDLH). BPDLH through Minister of Finance Regulation Number 137/2019, is one of the Public Service Agency (BLU) under the Ministry of Finance to manage funds and financing related to the environment, including energy.

Director General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) Dadan Kusdiana said this incentive aims to encourage people to install rooftop PLTS, especially PLN customers in the categories of households, businesses and small-medium scale industries/MSMEs, and social (schools/educational buildings, hospitals, places of worship).

"This program is expected to accelerate the massive implementation of the Rooftop PLTS program and contribute to the achievement of new renewable energy targets in the national energy mix," he said at a press conference, Thursday, February 10.

Dadan said that with this grant incentive, it could increase the capacity of Rooftop PLTS to 5 Mega Watts (MW) and for around 1,300 customers.

The value of the vouchers that can be given varies from Rp. 1,450,000 to Rp. 45 million. The grant amount will depend on the kWp to be installed.

"This SEF grant is intended for PLN customers who will install a new PLTS Roof through a business entity or an Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) contractor. The customers who receive the grant must also have a business entity certificate (SBU) and permits according to the legislation," he explained.

In his remarks, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif said that the existence of financing innovations would increase investor and public interest in the use of solar energy.

"This incentive is expected to achieve the economic value of Rooftop Solar Power Plants so that investment becomes more attractive and can encourage the massive installation of Rooftop Solar Power Plants and contribute to the achievement of EBT targets and GHG emission reductions," he explained.