Announcement! Professor Nurul Taufiqu Rochman's Nanotechnology Company Will Release Shares To The Public

JAKARTA - The Indonesian nanotechnology development company hopes to get fresh funds of up to Rp134.92 billion. This is done by releasing shares to the public through an initial public offering (IPO) mechanism.

The company in question is PT Nanotech Indonesia Global. The company will release 1.28 billion shares or 29.99 percent of the total issued and fully paid capital.

Citing the old company prospectus, Tuesday, February 8, Nanotech Indonesia offered its shares starting from Rp. 95 to Rp. 105 per share. This means that the company hopes to reap funds of IDR 122.07 billion to IDR 134.92 billion.

The company also issues a maximum of 1.03 billion Series I Warrants accompanying the company's new shares or a maximum of 34.27 percent. Series I warrants are given free of charge as an incentive to new shareholders whose names are registered in the shareholder register on the allotment date.

As a rule, every holder of 10 new shares is entitled to get 8 series I warrants, where every 1 warrant gives the right to buy 1 new share issued by the company in a portfolio.

Nanotech Indonesia has appointed UOB Kay Hian Sekuritas as underwriter. To be able to get Nanotech Indonesia shares, investors can start ordering them today until February 15, 2022.

For information, Nanotech Indonesia is a technology company that has a core business in the form of science and technology services based on research and development (R&D), materials engineering, and nanotechnology.

This company emerged from the nanotechnology research group founded by scientist Prof. Nurul Taufiqu Rochman in 2005. At that time, Prof. Nurul together with the team collaborated with scientists and visionary young people to build a nanotechnology ecosystem in Indonesia.

Various research activities and the development of new products based on nanotechnology have been actively carried out for years, assisted by hundreds of the best Indonesian scientists. These various innovations and new breakthroughs became the starting point for Prof. Nurul and the team to establish PT Nanotech Indonesia Global in 2019.

PT Nanotech Indonesia Global (NANO) has 5 main business lines which are engaged in materials, health, aquaculture, inspection, property, and education. PT Nanotech Indonesia Global (NANO) has a mission to be a pioneer in solving various problems in industry and MSMEs in Indonesia with an applied science and technology approach.