Sports Arena In West Jakarta Turned Into A Place Of Isolation

JAKARTA - The West Jakarta City Government is preparing a Sports Arena (GOR) in each sub-district as a centralized isolation place to anticipate a spike in COVID-19 cases. West Jakarta, Iin Mutmainnah when confirmed in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 8th. So far, there are two centralized isolation areas located in the West Jakarta area, including the Hasyim Asy'ari Mosque with a capacity of 200 people, which is intended for patients with mild symptoms. Next is the Daan Mogot Flat which is located not far from the Hasyim Asy'ari mosque with a capacity of 1,040 COVID-19 patients.

However, Iin admitted that the two isolation places were still unable to accommodate COVID-19 patients, so the next step was to change the function of the GOR into a backup isolation place. He also ensures that the health services for the patients in the two isolation places will run optimally.