Nora Alexandra Is Bullied By Netizens For Looking Sexy When Her Husband Is In Prison, Jerinx Puts His Body On

JAKARTA - Jerinx opened up about his wife, Nora Alexandra, who became a victim of netizens' bullying for uploading sexy photos on her Instagram account @ncdpapl. Nora's action was considered by some netizens to be inappropriate, especially since her husband was currently undergoing legal proceedings due to the case of threats through electronic media against Adam Deni.

After undergoing a trial at the Central Jakarta District Court, Monday, February 7, Jerinx defended his wife and explained that what she was doing was a job.

"My wife's condition is that she has to work hard because she takes care of her family alone. So when she posts photos, promotes clothes, or whatever, she's not having fun working. Many think my wife is having fun and doesn't care about me. survive that," said Jerinx.

Jerinx, who at that time was still accompanied by his legal representative, was only limited to urging Nora to be bullied anymore because she had to work hard while her husband was undergoing legal proceedings in Jakarta. But we were asked whether they would take legal action against Nora's bullies, Sugeng Teguh Santoso and Wayan Gendo as attorneys answered that they did not want to escalate the problem.

"No, no. We're not getting there, we're just an appeal. We beg the netizens to support Nora. There's no need to support Jerinx because Jerinx is already in the process. Support Nora as a wife, a housewife who is providing for her family. Position yourself with the current position of the Jerinx and Nora families. There is no need to bully the bully," said Sugeng.

"Nora has consulted with me, as Jerinx's attorney. Regarding her activities and work, I stated to Nora, Nora must work immediately, so so that someone can bear the economic burden, let Jerinx focus on his case in Jakarta. Nora is indeed working on advice I work full time, if you haven't had time to visit Jerinx to Jakarta, don't visit, prioritize work, after all, Jerinx already has someone to accompany him," added Gendo

It is known that Jerinx will continue his trial at the Central Jakarta District Court on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 with the agenda of hearing expert witnesses from the Public Prosecutor and Legal Counsel.