Waiting For The Regent To Be Examined By Komnas HAM Regarding Human Confinement In His House

JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) will examine the inactive Langkat Regent Publishing the War of the Wind who is now a prisoner of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). This examination relates to the findings of a human cage found in his home.

Komnas HAM chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik said his party would check the publication on Monday, February 7 or today. Published, they will be asked for further information regarding the iron cage which is referred to as a place for drug rehabilitation.

"We will ask for information. Hopefully on Monday we will check this TRP brother (Terbit)," said Taufan in a virtual discussion, Sunday, February 6.

There are a number of things that will be confirmed at Publish. One of them, said Taufan, is related to the number of people who have been placed in the cage.

Not only that, later information obtained from witnesses including residents will also be confirmed. "So we got a lot of things but we will collect them later and we will ask for information from this TRP brother," he said.

Taufan said later Terbit would be examined at the KPK. The reason is that the inactive regent is currently being entangled in a corruption case that requires him to become a resident of the KPK Detention Center.

"Because he was detained, we examined him at the KPK," he said.

Regarding the examination of Terbit, the KPK previously confirmed that it would open the door for Komnas HAM. Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, even said that there had been coordination so that the investigation could be carried out.

"The Komnas HAM has coordinated with the KPK regarding the plan to request information and information from the Langkat Regent regarding the alleged existence of a human cage in his private home," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Affairs Ali Fikri told reporters, Wednesday, February 2.

"Furthermore, the KPK welcomes and will facilitate these activities," Ali added.

Komnas HAM some time ago submitted its provisional findings after conducting direct investigations and interviewing witnesses in Langkat Regency, North Sumatra. One of them is related to the violence experienced by the residents.

"So a violent firm occurred there, the victims were many, including violence that caused the loss of life and more than one of these lost their lives," said Komnas HAM Commissioner Choirul Anam in his video caption quoted on Monday, January 31.

In addition, a pattern was found on how the abuse of residents who claimed to be drug addicts occurred. In fact, there is a code that is spoken when the persecution event occurs.

"We also found patterns of how the violence took place. We also found out who the perpetrators were, how, using tools or not, we also found," he said.

"There sometimes use tools. This includes terms when violence takes place, for example, such as MOS, gas, or two and a half buttons. So there are terms like that which are used in the context of violence, the use of violence," Anam added.

For information, the existence of a human cage suspected of being a form of slavery at the house of the inactive Langkat Regent Terbit Angin Angin was revealed after the KPK came there to carry out a hand arrest operation (OTT).

Instead of finding Terbit, the KPK team found a number of people confined in an iron cage. At that time they claimed to be oil palm workers on Terbit's land.

Subsequently, these findings were reported by Migrant Care to Komnas HAM. In their report, they stated that the occupants of human cages experienced cruel behavior such as violence, irregular eating, unpaid work while working in Terbit's oil palm plantation and restricted access to communication with outsiders.