Ridwan Kamil Asks Forum For Empowerment Of Islamic Boarding Schools To Form Business Entities

BANDUNG - Governor Ridwan Kamil asked the West Java Islamic Boarding School and Community Empowerment Forum (FPPU) to immediately form a business entity so that it can advance through its independence.

"I entrust (West Java's FPPU) to immediately establish a business entity. Later, share it professionally, while still caring about Islamic da'wah. So that the results that are done can be maximized, and we also have independence," said West Java (Jabar) Governor Ridwan Kamil after inaugurated the West Java FPPU Management 2021-2026, in Bandung quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 5.

This business entity will be given the opportunity to participate in development in West Java and nationally, so that abandoned lands can be managed, pesantren and the people can also feel the benefits.

Kang Emil also invited FPPU to succeed the West Java Vision and Mission to be Born and Inner Champion. The way to do this is by actively participating and spreading the achievements of the program that has been implemented by the West Java Provincial Government regarding the people.

Moreover, the West Java FPPU is the official partner organization of the West Java Provincial Government in carrying out the mandate of the Pesantren Regional Regulation. FPPU consists of religious leaders, leaders and a combination of Islamic boarding schools in West Java.

"Let's make the development program a success in 2022. One day, Islamic boarding schools in West Java will be classified as independent pesantren," said Ridwan Kamil.

According to him, several programs to encourage the community have been implemented, such as the One Pesantren One Product (OPOP) Program to encourage the independence of Islamic boarding schools in the economic field.

Together with Bank BJB, the West Java Provincial Government also has the Prosperous Economic Community Credit Program (Mesra), an interest-free loan program and collateral to increase public access to capital and make it easier for micro businesses to get financing.

In addition, Mesra Credit is also intended to reduce unemployment and increase economic growth.

"We have a Loan Mesra program that has not been maximized. The poor in the pesantren environment can immediately access Rp 5 million without collateral without interest," said Ridwan Kamil.

In terms of da'wah, he said, the West Java Provincial Government has a Digital Da'wah Program. In addition, there is also the English for Ulama Program which aims to make religious leaders have da'wah skills by using English.

"We are entrusting digital da'wah because now children do not go to mosques for the Koran, but tend to be on Youtube. Don't let them wrong (choose) ustadz and references because suddenly they can vilify others. Before moving to blame themselves, but after hijrah instead blame others," he said.