Ridwan Kamil-Sundanese Leaders Support BNPT Muzzle Radical Groups

BANDUNG - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil and 21 Inohong (Sundanese figures) support the steps taken by the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) and the police to suppress radicalism in the name of Islam and Sundanese in the province.

"Of course we support the efforts of the BNPT and the police to arrest, muzzle, and take action against individuals who damage the good name of Islam and Sundanese in West Java," said Ridwan Kamil after holding a friendly and discussion with Sundanese Inohongs regarding the dynamics of nationality and Sundanese on the sixth floor. The Pasundan Association Hall, Bandung City, quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 5.

Ridwan Kamil strongly opposes the emergence of groups such as the Islamic State of Indonesia (NII) in Garut Regency who intend to plot against the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) so that his party supports the police's efforts to take firm action and suppress NII elements and groups to the root.

"Of course we strongly oppose groups acting in the name of Islam with the aim of dividing, such as the NII declaration in Garut Regency," he said.

Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of the Pasundan Association, Prof. Didi Turmudzi, said that a wise and wise attitude was needed in responding to the emergence of the NII in Garut.

In addition, he said, his party asked all Sundanese citizens to remain vigilant against radical movements in the name of religion that could divide the unity of this country.

"To the Sundanese people, be wary of this phenomenon (NII). To the stakeholders not to generalize these movements with the label of Islam so that they identify Islam with radicals and terrorists," said Didi.

The meeting resulted in a number of attitudes from Sundanese leaders in responding to the dynamics of nationality and Sundanese, namely the first need to strengthen the friendship between Sundanese leaders in building and maintaining Sundanese integrity from personal who try to create polemics and controversies that threaten tolerance and disintegration.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the commitment of various components of society to unite in strengthening the values of Sundanese, nationality, and Indonesianness.

Second, the Sundanese edicts that emerged recently which were carried out by a group of people on behalf of Sundanese did not actually represent the entirety of Sundanese society.

Fourth, in the Sunda Maklumat Orasi, there were those who said related to the merging of the three provinces into the Greater Sunda Province.

The oration is just an illusion and unfounded historical romance because in history there is no such thing as a Greater Sunda. Meanwhile, based on the applicable regulations, namely Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 78 of 2007 concerning Procedures for the Establishment, Abolition and Merger of Regions.

Article 23 paragraph (3) states that in the event that the Regional Autonomy Advisory Council (DPOD) considers a certain area to be incapable of implementing regional autonomy, the DPOD recommends that the area be deleted and merged into other regions.

So there is no solid basis for merging the three provinces into one province. This is because the three provinces which are planned to be combined are currently still able to carry out regional autonomy well.

Fourth, the real and rational hopes and aspirations of the Sundanese people do not ask for special autonomy for the Greater Sunda Province, but instead ask the central government for the expansion of districts/cities in the provinces of West Java and Banten which will have an impact on the development and welfare of the people.

Fifth, a wise and wise attitude is needed in responding to movements and maneuvers related to elements in the name of Islam such as the declaration of the NII in Garut so that the Sundanese people are aware of this phenomenon.

Stakeholders should not generalize these movements with the label of the Islamic religion so as to identify Islam with radicals and terrorists.

Sixth, rejecting various forms of maneuver in the name of Sunda without starting with deliberation and mutual agreement between national and Sundanese mass organizations in this region which are based on the values of Silih Asah, Silih Asih, and Silih Asuh.