Ministry Of PUPR Invites Baznas To Build Houses For People In Need

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) and the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) are exploring cooperation related to housing provision programs for people in need, as well as seeking to create jobs and increase the economy.

"We consider that Baznas is a very potential partner in housing development activities for the community. Both the PUPR Ministry and Baznas also have similar programs in the housing sector that can be synergized," said Director General of Housing at the PUPR Ministry, Iwan Suprijanto in a written statement quoted by Antara, Saturday. , February 5th.

Currently both parties, he said, are exploring what sectors can be collaborated so that they can immediately conclude a cooperation agreement. A number of potential development activities include the construction of special houses for people affected by natural disasters, improving the quality of uninhabitable houses or house renovations.

In addition, he continued, it is also possible to build flats in a number of areas for people who really need it.

"So building infrastructure and decent houses, apart from the obligatory duties of the PUPR Ministry, is also a charity of worship for all of us. I think this is also the goal of Baznas, namely optimizing the use of zakat funds for the benefit of the community," he explained.

His party will continue to cooperate with various parties, both Ministries/Institutions (K/L), developers, banks, private sector, and the community, to implement the One Million Houses Program (PSR), in the midst of very limited APBN funds to meet housing needs which continue to increase every year. year.

The Head of Distribution and Utilization of Baznas Saidah Sakwan explained that her party was ready to support the housing program of the Ministry of PUPR. Currently, his party wants to try to get the community involved in the development process and have businesses so that their economy can improve during this pandemic.

"Currently we have the Rutilahu Program, housing assistance for victims affected by natural disasters and business development for the community. If the program can be collaborated and synergized with the Ministry of PUPR, of course the development results can be better because it is handled by experts," he said.

Previously, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing through the Directorate General of Housing prepared a budget of IDR 5.1 trillion in 2022 in the housing sector in order to improve the quality of housing.

"We want people to get decent and quality housing, especially for housing with financial assistance facilities from the government. People must get quality houses according to their rights, and developers must of course also fulfill their obligations," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono in a written statement in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 11.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Housing at the PUPR Ministry, Iwan Suprijanto, said that a number of housing development programs to be implemented include building special houses, flats, improving the quality of self-help houses belonging to MBR that do not meet livable standards, as well as distributing infrastructure, facilities and utilities (PSU) assistance. for the MBR house.

"Based on the 2020-2024 RPJMN, the Government and stakeholders in the housing sector are working hard to ensure that 70 percent of households in Indonesia live in decent housing through the provision of around 11 million housing units," said Iwan.

According to Iwan, in 2022 the Directorate General of Housing will receive a budget allocation of IDR 5.1 trillion for the construction of 1,823 special housing units, 5,141 flats, handling 87,500 uninhabitable housing units (RTLH) belonging to MBR, and providing Infrastructure and Utilities (PSU) for housing. serving 20,500 housing units owned by MBR.