Deputy Chairperson Of The DKI DPRD M. Taufik Mentioned In The Corruption Session Of Procurement Of Land For Houses DP Rp0 Percent

JAKARTA - The name of the deputy chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, M Taufik, appeared in a corruption trial for the procurement of land for a house with a down payment of Rp. 0 percent in Munjul, East Jakarta. M. Taufik's name was mentioned in the trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court with the defendant Yoory Corneles Pinontoan.

The emergence of the name of the Gerindra Party politician in this trial started when the Prosecutor of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confirmed the BAP of the defendant Yoory Corneles Pinontoan. The prosecutor confirmed Taufik's request that the Director of PT Adonara, Tommy Adrian, be assisted immediately.

"At the trial in relation to Mr. Taufik, were there ever asked on behalf of Tommy so that he could be helped as soon as possible?" asked the prosecutor at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Thursday, February 3.

Yoory claimed not to remember the Gerindra Party politician's request. He claimed that he only remembered that Taufik had supervised the performance of Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya (PPSJ).

Not satisfied with the answer, then the prosecutor read out Yoory's BAP. The BAP contains a confession that the Senior Manager of Sarana Jaya, Yadi Robby, was reminded. Where Taufik contacted Tommy to ask for assistance regarding the payment for the second phase of the Munjul land.

"I was reminded by Yadi that Taufik had been called by asking me to help Tommy Ardian in the payment process for phase II related to land acquisition in Munjul, Pondok Rangon, Cipayung sub-district, East Jakarta," said the prosecutor reading the BAP. In this case, Taufik was once questioned by KPK investigators in the alleged Munjul land corruption case, as a witness for the suspect Yoory Corneles on Tuesday, August 10, 2021.

At that time, Taufik admitted that he had participated in discussing the budget for the Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya. He also admitted that he knew the Director of PT Aldira Berkah Abadi Makmur (ABAM) Rudi Hartono Iskandar, who was a defendant in this case.

During the examination, investigators questioned Taufik regarding his acquaintance with Rudy Hartono Iskandar. Not only that, investigators also questioned Taufik regarding the discussion and approval of the budget for Sarana Jaya, one of which was used for land acquisition in Munjul.