Members Of The Maluku Police Mobile Brigade Who Shot Residents Were Detained And Threatened With Dismissal

AMBON - Maluku Police Chief Inspector General Lotharia Latif confirmed that Brimob members suspected of being involved in the shooting of residents at the illegal gold mining location of Mount Botak, Buru Island, were threatened with dishonorable dismissal (PTDH/fired).

"We have arrested Brimob officers from the first day and detained them at the Brimob Headquarters," said the Kapolda in Ambon, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 3.

Furthermore, the Brimob member will undergo an open trial because the Police are subject to the general court for cases of killing other people.

Then for the case of alleged violation of the code of ethics how he abused his authority and firearms, where the threat of the heaviest punishment is PTDH from the police institution.

"I believe that an incident like this poses a risk because it does not reflect the members of Birmob, and there are many other members who are still better," said the Kapolda.

The chairman of Commission I of the Maluku DPRD, Amir Rumra, in a working meeting with the Kapolda, Pangdam XVI/Pattimura, and the Plt Sekda Maluku also explained that there was an action against the Buru indigenous student unit to the DPRD so that the legal process for Brigpol AB by the Polda could run openly.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Chairman of the Maluku DPRD, Melkianus Sairdekut who chaired the working meeting, said that regarding the Mount Botak issue, it had been conveyed that the legal process for violations that occurred there had been handled by the Regional Police.

"We also schedule a meeting with commissions I and II of the provincial DPRD to discuss the status of Mount Botak," he said.

In this meeting, the Regent and DPRD of Buru Regency will be invited to sit together because they are the ones who own the territory, so that the problem points that occur there as well as the rumors conveyed by the Buru Regency can be clear as input for the council.