Not A Footprint, Climbers Leave Garbage Majority Of Instant Noodle Packages And 1.5 Ton Bottles At Gunung Gede

CIANJUR - Hundreds of volunteers unload 1.5 tons of garbage from Gunung Gede

Gede-Pangrango, Cianjur, West Java. Most of the plastic waste used for instant noodles and mineral water bottles.

"Plastic waste dominates such as instant noodle wrappers and plastic drink bottles or cans, nature lovers should not leave trash on the mountain. Every year the number is still high," said Gunung Gede-Pangrango Volunteer, Niko Rastagil in Cianjur as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, 2 February.

He explained that every year, the Cianjur TNGGP Center closes the hiking trail for ecosystem restoration and holds clean-up activities starting from the hiking trail to the summit of Mount Gede-Pangrango. This activity involved hundreds of volunteers from various regions.

However, every year, the garbage left by climbers is still high, so he hopes that the level of awareness of climbers to maintain cleanliness and natural preservation is really maintained.

"Maybe they are just impromptu climbers, so they don't know how to take care of nature, hopefully this will be a concern for all climbers so they don't leave trash anymore because it's clear that plastic waste is difficult to melt," said Niko.

He added that the waste operations were carried out at three entrances to Mount Gede-Pangrango, entrance to Mount Putri-Cianjur, entrance to Cibodas-Cianjur and entrance to Salabintana-Sukabumi. Hundreds of volunteers were divided into three groups.

"This is an annual agenda, so that at the end and beginning of the year the climbing is closed because the manager is doing restoration and cleaning of garbage along the hiking trail to the top of the mountain, especially the Suryakancana square," he said.