Help Government Pursue Net Zero Emission 2060, Pertamina And PTPN Sign MoU On Decarbonization

JAKARTA - A number of state-owned companies signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the Decarbonization of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). With the signing of the cooperation, it is hoped that the government's target of pursuing Net Zero Emission (NZE) in 2060 will be achieved.

Deputy Minister of SOEs I Pahala Nugraha Mansury said the Ministry of SOEs would be serious in pursuing the decarbonization target by 2060. This seriousness is shown by several efforts made since 2021.

However, Pahala said that his party needed further assistance through survey services for future development.

"The Ministry of SOEs is very serious about being a pioneer in decarbonization, in 2021 we have carried out a number of initiatives including the Project Management Office (PMO) which coordinates several SOEs," said the signing of the MoU on SOE Decarbonization, Wednesday, February 2.

The coordination in question is to include seven state-owned companies including PT Perkebunan Nusantara, Pupuk Indonesia, Pertamina, MIND ID, PLN, Semen Indonesia, and the Indonesian Classification Bureau as holding survey services.

Pahala said that his party has mapped state-owned companies that can synergize with SOEs that have been known as emitters.

"But Perhutani and PTPN have the potential to provide a natural based climate solution, this MoU is a follow-up for that implementation," he said.

Pahala said that the PMO, which was formed last year, had made a number of identifications related to steps to support decarbonization. The goal of PMO is to reduce carbon emissions end-to-end or from upstream to downstream.

"Especially from energy efficiency, migration from higher emission types to lower emissions. Two other things are how we see the development of a line of business that can help encourage emission reductions," he said.

The efficiency includes the development of an ecosystem of electric-based vehicles, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled, green energy, New Renewable Energy (EBT), to the use of geothermal.

After the identification is done, said Pahala, in the future there needs to be a role for verification and validation. Its function is to determine other initiatives that need to be carried out in the future.

"How can this contribute to Indonesia's commitment to be able to reduce emissions by 29 percent in 2030, of course it needs validation and verification of national commitments related to each sector and sub-sector. Is this initiative enough or not and is there still something that can be done," he said.