The Police Let Edy Mulyadi Suspect Hate Speech Apply For Suspension Of Detention

JAKARTA - The National Police welcomes the plan of Edy Mulyadi's legal team who will submit a request for a suspension of detention. The application for a suspension of detention is the right of the suspect.
"A suspension of detention, a pretrial is a suspect's constitutional right. Please use it," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Wednesday, February 2.
However, Inspector General Dedi said so far his party had not officially received the request for a suspension of detention.
In addition, it was emphasized that in handling the Edy Mulyadi case, investigators had carried out according to the rules. In this way, all accusations, one of which said that Edy Mulyadi had been targeted, were denied.
"The police, in this case, investigators work always based on legal facts. We have rules that law enforcement must be carried out according to the Criminal Procedure Code, everything is regulated there," said Dedi.
Inspector General Dedi said that if Edy Mulyadi felt that there were irregularities in the handling of the alleged hate speech case, then he was welcome to take legal action.
"If there are objections regarding police law enforcement, there is an institution that corrects it, it is in the field of pretrial, all the mechanisms that have been passed have been in accordance with the KUHAP procedure," said Dedi.
Previously, Edy Mulyadi's attorney, Damai Hari Lubis, stated that he would apply for a suspension of detention for the alleged hate speech case regarding Kalimantan where the genie dumped his child. The request came after investigators decided to detain Edy Mulyadi for 20 days.
"Based on the legal considerations of the presumption of innocence, our advocacy team as lawyers and defenders will apply for a suspension of detention in accordance with the requirements of the applicable legal system or the Criminal Procedure Code," said Damai.
Edy Mulyadi has been named a suspect in the alleged hate speech case regarding Kalimantan where the genie dumped their child. Edy Mulyadi was immediately detained for the first 20 days since Monday, January 31.
In this case, Edy Mulyadi is suspected of violating Article 45 a paragraph 2 juncto 28 paragraph (2) of the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE). Then, Article 14 paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 15 of Law No. 1 of 1946 concerning criminal law regulations, and Article 156 of the Criminal Code.