South Sulawesi Health Office Receives 164,620 Vials Of CoronaVac Vaccine For Children

Makassar--South Sulawesi Health Office has received 164,620 vials of CoronaVac vaccine or 329,240 doses for children aged six to 11 years. Yesterday, the vaccine for children arrived," explained the Head of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the South Sulawesi Health Service, Husni Thamrin, in Makassar, Monday, January 31. Previously as many as 182,800 doses had been received for eight districts in South Sulawesi. The eight districts include Palopo City, Parepare City, Luwu District, East Luwu, North Luwu, Soppeng, North Toraja and Gowa.

Makassar gets the most vaccine rations

Meanwhile, what has been received at this time, explained Husny, is intended for 24 regencies in South Sulawesi. Makassar City is the area that received the most vaccine rations, namely 33,220 vials, followed by Bone Regency with 17,560 vials. Although the Coronavac vaccine has only been distributed to 24 districts, vaccination of children has taken place using the Sinovac vaccine. held at schools. Husni said that the Health Office asked the Education Office to inform parents regarding vaccinations for children aged 6-11 years at school, in this case elementary schools. The history of the child's illness is the parents. So it must be accompanied by parents so that the screening results are good, "said Husni.

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