Edy Mulyadi Will Apply For Suspension Of Detention In The Case Of Kalimantan Where Jin Throws Children

JAKARTA - Edy Mulyadi's attorney, Damai Hari Lubis, stated that he would apply for a suspension of detention for the alleged hate speech case regarding Kalimantan, where the genie dumped his child. The request came after investigators decided to detain Edy Mulyadi for 20 days.

"Based on the legal considerations of the presumption of innocence, our advocacy team as lawyers and defenders will apply for a suspension of detention in accordance with the requirements of the applicable legal system or the Criminal Procedure Code," Damai said in his statement, Tuesday, February 1.

In addition, Damai regretted the investigator's decision to detain Edy Mulyadi. The reason is that the subject matter reported is just a satire.

"I deeply regret the detention of EM due to alleged violations other than debatebel because the object of the case is related to art space or language of expression or satire, or is a satirical language in an area according to customs and culture or Betawi customs and is not disclosed with dirty or harsh sentences," he said.

Edy Mulyadi has been named a suspect in the alleged hate speech case regarding Kalimantan where the genie dumped their child. In addition, Edy was detained for 20 days.

In this case, Edy Mulyadi is suspected of violating Article 45 a paragraph 2 juncto 28 paragraph (2) of the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE). Then, Article 14 paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 15 of Law No. 1 of 1946 concerning criminal law regulations, and Article 156 of the Criminal Code.