Loans Practices Reported By Customers Only Run For 2 Months, And Are Not Registered At OJK

JAKARTA - The police have arrested 27 employees who work at an illegal online loan company (Pinjol) at Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK), North Jakarta.

North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Wibowo said the company (Kredito) had only been operating for one month. However, they have been preparing since October 2021.

"So the 10th month is just preparation, where in this activity all kinds of equipment are needed, they have just prepared everything," Wibowo told reporters at the North Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, January 31.

"Then in January they started running for illegal online borrowing activities," he continued.

Regarding the amount of the flow of funds that have been issued to its customers, the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Endra Zulpan said that his party is currently investigating the matter.

"This is still an in-depth investigation, this is already material from an investigation. What is clear is that we followed up, we carried out an investigation and then it was found that there was this illegal loan activity, "explained Zulpan.

Zulpan explained that the reason for the company was illegal lending, because this happened because they had not received permission from the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

"This company's activities do not have an OJK permit, so they are said to be illegal. Then there is the criminal element, namely threats," he said.

For information, the police have named three suspects for alleged threats based on online loans (Pinjol) in the Pantai Indah Kapuk area, North Jakarta. They were arrested on Friday, January 28. The three suspects have the initials YFC (38) boss pinjol and two other perpetrators S (34) and N (22).